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New regulations on wine labelling: obligations and indications for Italian producers

On 8 December 2023, Regulation (EU) 2021/2117 came into force, published on 2 December 2021, which introduced, for producers and starting from that date, the obligation to label wines, including aromatised ones, with express indication of the list of ingredients, any allergenic substances, the nutritional declaration or energy value expressed in KJ (kilo joule) or Kcal (kilocalories) per 100 ml of product via QRcode, electronic label-e-label or physical label.

Following the three-month derogation requested by our country regarding the entry into force of the European provision, starting from next March 8th all labels of wine produced in Italy will have to comply with this regulation.

Having said this, let's see in concrete terms what information winemakers and producers will be asked to provide on the back label of their bottles.

In addition to sulphites, additives, such as gum arabic, must also be indicated preliminarily, but not adjuvants, such as edible jellies according to the distinction provided for in this matter by EU Delegated Regulation 2019/934, in addition to the possible use of rectified concentrated must, used for balance the alcohol level of the finished wine.

Finally, the new European regulation on the labeling of wine products integrates the European Regulation entitled "Food information for consumers" in force since 2014, for which in addition to those previously listed and soon to be applied, indications regarding the belonging to the type of wine product, to the "Protected Designation of Origin" (PDO) or "Protected Geographical Indication" (PGI) for the products thus registered, to the actual alcoholic strength by volume (% vol), to the origin, to the name of the bottler or producer or seller, to the net and sugar content for sparkling wine, to the minimum shelf life.

Author: Alessandro Klun


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